Friday, April 9, 2010

Dear BIO 207,

For a semester now I've slaved my life away studying for your extremely hard exams. Working my butt off for you. It has been mutual between us these past few months. I study hard, you give me a decent grade. I come to class, I get a decent grade. I love all that you offer me. From genetics to a good time with my biology friends.

But tonight is the last straw. I'm not sure I can handle you anymore. This paper that I've been working on all day has caused me stress, mental breakdowns, slight anxiety attacks, comforting phone calls from friends and family. You have totally messed up my psyche.

I really don't appreciate it. Although I'm pretty sure you won't change over the next few years, I just wanted to say that I had a great time with you, but it's over now. I'm over you. Let's move on and go our separate ways. You'll have new students next semester and I'll be in my upper division courses.

Don't worry though, it wasn't anything against you.


Rick Baleros