"We are unable to offer you a Resident Assistant position at this time."
This blog is honestly to clear up to a few people my mind set on the ResLife's decision of not giving me an RA position.
I know many of you might not have known that I even applied even though it got brought up while I was home. Those that did know, knew that I wanted this position more than anything. But I came to terms really quick when I got my letter that it wasn't where God wanted me to lead or serve. In fact, that was my mentality and perspective all throughout the process. From the day I got my application in November to yesterday when I found out that I wasn't an RA, my mind set was that God would let me know if this was best for me.
He obviously has something else in store for me. The best part is I'm ready to see what he has in mind. Where he'll take me? I don't know, but he does. Where he'll have me leading and serving? I have a feeling, but it's up to him.
Can't wait to see where he leads me :)